97 Marlborough's Army 1702-11
267 The British Army 1660–1704
317 Henry V and the Conquest of France 1416–53
331 Scots Armies of the English Civil Wars
409 The Hussite Wars 1419-36
19 The Crusades
58 The Janissaries
96 Spanish Galleon 1530–1690
11 English Longbowman 1330-1515
21 Highland Clansman 1689–1746
35 English Medieval Knight 1400-1500
40 The Chonquistador 1492-1550
41 Knight Hospitaller (2) 1306-1565
94 Polish Winged Hussar 1500–1775
104 Tudor Knight
29 The Thirty Years War 1618-1648
34 The French Wars 1667–1714
60 The Spanish Invasion of Mexico 1519 -1521
62 The Ottoman Empire 1326–1699
43 Fornovo 1495
82 Edgehill 1642
86 The Armada Compaign 1588
114 Lepanto 1571
119 Marston Moor 1644
120 Towton 1461
160 Battle of the Boyne 1690
168 Flodden 1513
Bill Horan's Military Modelling Masterclass
9 English Civil War Fortifications 1642–51
11 Crusader Castles of the Teutonic Knights (1)
16 The Fortifications of Malta 1530–1945
19 Crusader Castles of the Teutonic Knights (2)
39 Russian Fortresses 1480–1682
46 Castles and Tower Houses of the Scottish Clans 1450–1650
The Tower of London
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